Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter!

We spent Easter down in Virginia again this year. On Saturday we had a BBQ with a bunch of Becky and my friends and their kids. It was madness, but a lot of fun, including a piƱata that Becky and Jack made.
Sophie and Lexi

On Saturday night Ariana was baptized at an Easter service. It was a really pretty service, with the whole congregation holding candles during the beginning part of the service. Doug and Vicki are the god parents and presented Ariana at the front of the church. 

And Sunday morning there was of course an egg hunt! Here are Quinn, Carley and Sophie with their winnings... 

The three cousins! 

Lauren's First Flight

Last month Lauren and I went down to Virginia for a short weekend visit. We flew in a little puddle jumper and it was her first flight. I am happy to report that she was great! Luckily it was also only a 50 minute flight, which helped a lot. On the way back from Virginia we were delayed for 5 hours in the airport because of weather. Luckily the Charlottesville airport is small and not crowded, so she could just wander around (and tire herself out). By the time we were ready to take off, she feel fast asleep on my lap and slept the entire flight. It was perfect. Here's to hoping future flights are so smooth! 

Here she is in a kid-sized rocking chair watching the planes arrive (unfortunately none were ours..)


Last month I had the pleasure of taking both girls to the doctor for regular visits and shots. It was not the most fun I've ever had. But, both are doing great!

For her 4-year visit, Sophie is 40 inches tall (which puts her in the 70th percentile) and weighs 42 lbs (which puts her in the 89th percentile). She also had a hearing test and the doctor said she's never had a 4-year-old hear all of the sounds before. That means there's no excuse when she says she didn't hear me...

Here's the crazy girl after a bath

Lauren had her 15 month visit. She is 31 inches tall (putting her in the 73rd percentile) and 22 lbs (which puts her also in the 73rd percentile). Neither kid was happy about the shots, but we got through it.

She's really a little toddler on the go now. She's a total monkey, climbing all over the place, and trying to do everything Sophie is doing. She likes to sit and eat at a little table, and has been getting good with the fork. 

Here's one of her first pieces of art. Brilliant!