Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Lauren!

On the 26th all of our Christmas decorations came down and we were in full birthday mode! My parents were here for a few days and we had a little family party for Lauren. And then on January 3rd, when the kids were back in school, Dave and I went in to her school and celebrated again with Lauren's class, where she did the traditional Montessori birthday walk around the sun (a candle) holding a globe. And for the third and final celebration she had a party with friends at the Mud Room, a paint-you-own-pottery spot in Ardmore. We had 22 kids and no broken pottery - amazing!
The crazy birthday girl! 

The birthday girl at her friend birthday party

Blowing out the candles at her friend birthday party

Christmas 2016

The year we hosted Christmas for the first time! We had a relatively quite morning with Mom Mom, Pop Pop, Dave, me and the girls. And around 1pm a crew of both Sharps and Rainers came over for a total of 26 people. We successfully we pulled it off! Here's what the house looked like before the madness:
After Santa left off of his goodies

Table for 26

And the table filled with family! Everyone fit! 

Sophie's big present was a set of skies that she got to use right away. Dave took her the day after Christmas to Spring Mountain. 
The hip ski chick

Doing a pretty good run down the hill