Monday, August 30, 2010

Sophie's Baptism

This weekend we went down to Virginia for Sophie's Baptism. We did it at St. John's Episcopal Church, the same church that we were married in. Sophie was great through the whole thing - she was wide awake and very interested in what was happening during the Baptism, and then fell fast asleep afterward (for the pictures).

We got to spend a lot of time with friends and family. Here's a shot of me and Sophie with her Great Grandma and her GG (otherwise known as her Great Nana).

She also met up with her friend Lexi again. I think she was more interested in Lexi's barrette than Lexi... but we're getting there.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sitting on her own

Last week Sophie was finally able to sit on her own (at 5 1/2 months). Aside from standing (with assistance) it's now her new favorite thing to do.

It also allows her to get very up close and personal with Benson. She still isn't his favorite person, but they're warming up to each other. It's a start at least...


As we're moving into our 4th week of solid food (and loving it), Sophie has finally moved up to sitting at the table in her highchair. She's a happy baby as long as the food keep coming!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Vacation in Canada

We spent part of last week in Newboro, Canada. Brad & Joan have a house there, on a little island. There's not much to do but fish, read and relax... it's always the best vacation. Doug, Vick, Quinn, Carley, Julia, Nana, Mom and Dad were all there too (and Finn - Julia's dog).
Dave, Sophie & I slept out in the little cabin, which is separate from the main house. Here's she's enjoying my bed.

Sophie loved hanging out with her second cousins (At least I think that's what they are to her...). She just can't get enough of Carley in this picture.

Here's a shot of the whole group (including Julia who is behind the plant)

Nana brought back this outfit for Sophie from Paris. It's been too hot in Philly to wear - but it was much cooler in Canada and she was able to sport it before she got too big. Our cute little chicken.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Solid Food - the action shots

We just got a Mac and are having fun learning how to make movies. Here's a first shot at it - Sophie's first taste of solid food to the tune of the Gipsy Kings.

First Solid Foods - the stills

We started Sophie on rice cereal last weekend. I think these photos appropriately capture the mess that is now eating. She's seems to enjoy it though - just like her parents :)